Eight years ago today, we stood before our closest loved ones + promised forever to each other. We honestly had no idea how amazing + difficult marriage would be, but here we are…striving to see each day as a blank canvas that God has given us to use for His glory.
Last night before bed we prayed that God would allow us to paint a picture with our marriage that encourages, strengthens, affirms, and challenges others to put + keep God at the center of theirs. Truth be told, that vision of a masterpiece that we have in our hearts + minds sometimes feels more like a dull and muddied mess. Stress. Fatigue. Disappointment. Unmet expectations. Good luck trying to find a picture on social media that makes any of those marriage traits look appealing.
While our past eight years of marriage have been far from perfect, they have helped us see how much more we need Jesus. Love. Respect. Patience. Forgiveness. Grace. These are the traits that appear in the aftermath of realizing our imperfections…and from that place of brokenness is often where God does His best work.
On our eighth anniversary, we can say with confidence that our love extends far deeper than we ever imagined was possible, yet we know this picture God wants from us is just getting started. Happy anniversary, Brittany. You bring so much color + beauty to my life, and I’m so blessed to call you my wife.
“The Lord is faithful in all His words and kind in all His works. The Lord upholds all who are falling, and raises up all who are bowed down.” – Psalm 145:13-14