Here we are just a couple of hours away from saying goodbye to 2017 and ringing in the new year. I’ve seen a lot of friends post about their “word” for 2018, so I’m jumping on the bandwagon. In the past I’ve tried to make and stick to New Year’s resolutions, you know the “I’m going to eat healthy, lose 10 pounds, workout every day and not buy a single piece of clothing for a year” kind of resolutions. It usually sticks for a few weeks, then I’m back to my sideways turns in the mirror while one hand is pushing in my stomach and the other my bottom to make me appear skinnier than I actually am. You’ve done this before, too, right? No? Just me. Great.
In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been thinking about some things I’d like to work on in the coming year and as I was getting ready this morning, a word came to mind so vividly. Intentional. That’s my word and I’m going try my darndest to stick to it. A lot of times I allow all that’s going on in my life to excuse me from being intentional in the areas that need it the most. While I feel my heart has been in the right place this past year in learning how to be a mom, and honestly, how to be a wife all over again in the mix of raising a baby, how to work full time, go to school part time, co-film with my amazing sidekick and manage to keep my house running, I feel I’ve missed out on some important things that make me me. Like, pursuing friendships, having time with my girlfriends and doing things that I really enjoy doing.
Ryan and I were talking a few weeks ago and he made a good point when we were talking about the idea of having a balanced life. In reality, balancing life isn’t very realistic, it’s more about prioritizing. Each day is different and each day requires prioritizing and getting the most important things done.
So, about being intentional. I want to make more time for my girlfriends. I want to sit with them, learn from them, grow with them, cry with them, share with them. I want to be more intentional with words of encouragement. For whatever reason, I’ve always had this mindset that my comments won’t mean anything or make a difference. I’m going to choose to not believe that lie and be intentional with encouraging words. I recently read a book by Jen Hatmaker, Of Mess and Moxie. In one of the chapters she mentioned that she has a friend that anytime she is thinking something of someone, she will text them right away and let them know what she’s thinking about. That’s intentionality at its finest. So, don’t be surprised if you get a random text message or comment from me to let you know that I’m thinking about you. I’m gonna do it. People pop into my head all the time and it takes all of 10 seconds to type a quick text to let them know I’m thinking about them.
I’m going to continue to be intentional with my family- spending time with my husband and daughter. I will continue to be intentional about pursuing a healthy lifestyle and working out. I will continue to be intentional in being the best professor and role model I can, only God (and maybe my husband, too) knows how much I love my college students. I will continue to be intentional with my relationship with my parents, siblings and in-laws. And most importantly, I’m going to be intentional with taking quiet moments with the Lord- in His word and in prayer. After all, that intentionality is the most important thing in this life.
Whatever you’re doing, wherever you’re at in life…whether 2017 was amazing (thanks Willow for making this year the epitome of epic) or whether it was the worst year you could have ever imagined, I pray we can all wake up tomorrow with a fresh start and a word in mind that will carry us through one of the best years God is writing in our stories.
Now, I’m gonna go smooch on my hubs and count my blessings! Cheers, friends!